Programmes 2009
3rd Annual Mahatma Gandhi International Awards {wmv}2005award{/wmv}
Gandhi Development Trust The Gandhi Development Trust (GDT) was established on the 19th August 2002 with the aim of promoting Gandhian values in order to build a spirit of reconciliationRead More…
The 2006 Salt march was supported by the Sunday Tribune, Radio Lotus and Radio Ukhosi. We had support from some 50 guests from some 40 countries who were attending a conference onRead More…
For over three hundred years South Africa suffered colonial oppression. On the 27 April 1994 a miracle occurred. A new government elected by the people was ushered in. But there was aRead More…
Salt is an essential item in our food. It is a basic food. When tax has to be paid on a basic food then it is indeed a gross violation of aRead More…
The Annual Gandhi Salt March is an event for the family. It commemorates the great march of 1930 in India. On the 8 March 1930 Mahatma Gandhi announced at a meeting inRead More…
{wmv}salt march 2007 edited{/wmv}
{wmv}saltad{/wmv} Commit to nonviolence and Ubuntu Join the Mahatma Gandhi Salt March on Sunday 19 April 2009 How to participate: · Report to the Battery Beach opposite Natal Command at 5.30.a.m.Read More…
Gandhi Development Trust IT 890/02 and 022-195-NPO PBO 93001872 Dear Donor, Having read the profile of this organisation you will realise that it is providing a vital service. It is aRead More…