Author: admin

  • Human Diversity: There are no Genes for Gender

    Is there a gene for sex? You may ask. The answer is yes and no, and it depends on what you mean by sex. Of course, there are genes that make us biologically male or female but there are no genes for everything in which the sexes differ. There are no genes for wearing a…

  • Canada Celebrates its 24th Mahatma Gandhi Peace Festival

    The focus this year is on Refugees and Sarvodaya-opening our hearts and homes. Besides the festivities Hamilton will be also hosting prominent speakers such as Nora Melara- Lopez who is a social worker and coordinator of the emergency Support Committee for Refugees at the North Hamilton Community Health Centre. Her speech will focus on the…

  • South Africa’s Diverse Culture Artistic and Linguistic Heritage

    South Africa, called by some people the ‘Rainbow Nation’, a title that captures its diversity and 11 official languages. September is since 1994 officially heritage month, when the histories and cultural practices of all its peoples are celebrated and due recognition given to the men and women who have contributed to the heritage and culture…

  • Zulu Reed Dance

    Joining friends and relatives of thousands of young girls attired in traditional Zulu dress to watch them sing, dance and celebrate their culture, is a powerful and moving experience. This annual ceremony, known as the Mkhosi woMhlanga or the Zulu Reed Dance, is a centuries-old tradition. It takes place in September, right at the start…

  • Spring Graduation 2016 by Numbers

    A total of 1010 students graduated at the Durban University of Technology’s Spring Graduation Ceremonies which took place on Thursday, 1 September 2016. An Honorary Doctorate in Management Sciences was awarded to women empowerment luminary, Ms. Gloria T. Serobe, in recognition of her outstanding contribution towards creating social and economic change and for the empowerment and development of women, particularly…

  • Stargazers Treated to Spectacular Solar Sight

    Stargazers in South Africa and the central part of the continent were treated to a spectacular solar sight on the first day of spring for an annular eclipse of the sun. The Durban branch of the Astronomical Society of South Africa arranged a special viewing in the city. And social media was abuzz as thousands…

  • The Eighth Gandhi Media Lecture

    This year the Gandhi Media Lecture was delivered by Prof Aashish Kumar of Hofstra University, New York. He spoke on self reliance in the context of social media. In building a case for participatory social media he illustrated three case studies, from Canada, India and South Africa. He referred to the present era and its…

  • South Africa’s Women Still Play Second Fiddle

    Three events converge in August in South Africa: the 60th anniversary of the March by Women to the Union Buildings; the 22nd anniversary of the 1994 Women’s Charter for Effective Equality the finalization of the local government elections. They act as a prism, refracting South Africa’s politics of gender, its uneven legacies and its ambiguous…

  • A revised Upgraded and Focused Schools Training Programme

    This year our Non Violence Schools’ Training content has been revised and re-worked. The primary focus of the content now is on equipping grade 6 pupils with important skills to identify/manage conflict, effectively communicate, be assertive and have basic knowledge about the epidemic of HIV/Aids. The new content is currently piloted using 78 pupils across…

  • A Communique from eThekwini

    (Durban-eThekwini is one of the municipalities where the status quo remains and no coalitions are needed) 06 September 2016 Today marks exactly two weeks since the 5th eThekwini Municipal Council was inaugurated on 23 August 2016. At this ceremony 218 councillors took the oath of office that they will serve with diligence at all times.…