Author: admin

  • 40 Years since the mysterious death of Chief Albert Luthuli

    By Robin Sewlal The Kwazulu-Natal provincial government and the Department of Arts and Culture are to host the 40th anniversary of the death of Chief Albert Luthuli. President Thabo Mbeki in his State of the Nation Address, earlier this year, announced that the year 2007 will see the commemoration of a number of significant events…

  • Sri Lanka the experience of ordinary people

    By a simple monk On the 8 May I went up north – to a village in the war zone. This village is special. Recently LTTE bombed a bus killing nearly 80 passengers including school children and women. These innocent villagers were in camps for few weeks and went back to their traditional farm lands…

  • India: One new way of handling corruption

    In the secret language of corruption in India, an official expecting a bribe will ask for Mahatma Gandhi to “smile” at him. The revered leader of the independence movement is on all denominations of rupee notes. With rampant dishonesty ingrained in the bureaucratic culture, an anticorruption group has decided to interpret the euphemism literally by…

  • Many faces of Gender Inequalities

    From an essay by Amartya Sen, a Nobel Laureate, presented at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, Sen writes about the seven faces of inequalities faced by women.   (1) Mortality inequality: He identifies the life span of women compared to men as being unequal. Many countries in the world continue to have disproportionate deaths…

  • Is humanity on a collision Course?

    By Cedric Mayson  Humanity is committing suicide in this generation. This unique planetic human experiment is nearly over. My youngest grandchild will expire with any children he has, and the rest of humanity, probably by 2050.We are committing suicide by over-population. Our sexual irresponsibility is producing more human beings than Earth can support. Our own…

  • Westville prisoners are smart

    Compiled by Indhrannie Pillay "I've learnt that my life does not end in prison." These are the words of a 19 year-old juvenile at Westville Correctional Facility in Durban, who recently completed Prison SMART (Stress Management and Rehabilitation Training) Prison SMART is a unique rehabilitation programme offered by the International Association for Human Values (IAHV),…

  • A beacon of light amidst poverty

    The Sarva Dharma Ashram in Welbedacht, Chatsworth was founded 10 years ago by Swami Ramkripananda Saraswathi. Sarva Dharma in essence means embracing all in unity of faiths.

  • 30th Death Anniversary of Anti-Apartheid Campaigner – Rick Turner

    This year marks the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Richard Albert David Turner. He was an ardent anti-apartheid campaigner.

  • The real cost of your ‘free’ cellular phone

    Everyone knows a free cellphone is not really free, but it has always seemed impossible to figure out what you are really paying. The book ‘How to Buy a Cellphone in South Africa’ guides consumers through the traps and tricks of the industry.

  • Power cuts crippling SA economy

    By Satyagraha Reporters South Africans are furious over a power crisis in the country which has had detrimental effects on business and householders. The government has warned that the electricity crisis could take years to resolve.