As we have done for the past three years we partnered with a sister organisation –The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes-ACCORD. We identified the historic heritage site The Phoenix Settlement as the site for service.
This is the site where in 1904 Mahatma Gandhi established his first Ashram. There are several activities and buildings on this site. There is a crèche, a clinic where training in home based care for children and those suffering from HIV AIDS is being offered, There is a Press building, a museum, the original Gandhi home and a home built by his son, Manilal Gandhi who succeeded him after Mahatma Gandhi left South Africa in 1914.
The identified need was to organise catalogue and preserve carefully the hundreds of framed historic pictures which the Trust had. Also to paint a room in the Clinic which was used as a meeting room and needed some urgent maintenance.
ACCORD obtained donations of paint and the necessary equipment and brought 30 volunteers. The work was inspiring absolute team work started on time and finished the task leaving fully marked boxes of photographs and a catalogue and a beautifully painted room.
We all remembered the inspiring words of Nelson Mandela- “I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.”
As each year we together with the local community were blessed with a sumptuous meal provided by Indian Delights as part of their contribution
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